Scenic Design for Giulio Cesare
Written by George Frideric Handel
Directed by Dennis Whitehead-Darling
Cinematography by Ivan Plazacic
Giulio Cesare is a classic story of Julius Caesar and his first visit to Egypt where he falls in love with Cleopatra. While this project took place during the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to film in person on a fully built set. Finding inspiration from celestial bodies, the Roman Pantheon, and Egyptian architecture I created a unit set that is able to shift between six locations through creative set dressing. The entire show is available to watch on the Carnegie Mellon School of Music Youtube Channel. Click here to watch!
Costume Design by Sarah Connor
Lighting Design by Joy Zhang
Asst. Scenic Design by Natalie Eslami
Asst. Lighting Design by JD Hopper
Production Photos by JD Hopper and Joy Zhang.
Production Photos

Click and Drag around the image below to check out a 3D Model of Cleopatra's chamber.
Storyboard Images
- Costume sketches created by Sarah Connor

Full video of the opera Giulio Cesare, filmed in the Carnegie Mellon Alumni Concert Hall, spring 2021. Check it out if you have a few spare hours and a hankering for opera.
Production Team Photo
(From Left to Right - Joy Zhang, JD Hopper, Dennis Whitehead-Darling, Ivan Plazacic, Natalie Eslami, myself, and Sarah Connor)