Scenic Design for Blacktop Sky
Written by Christina Anderson
Directed by NaTasha Thompson
Directed by second year directing graduate student, NaTasha Thompson, Blacktop Sky is a wonderful story of community. Written by Christina Anderson in 2017, Blacktop Sky is a timely piece about the connections made in passing moments and the unlikely friendship between a homeless man (Klass) and a young woman (Ida). The design presents these events through an afrofuturist and afrosurrealist lens, hoping to show a world where compassion is magic.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the live performances of this project were cancelled. In it's place we created a website to house the world that we had created. The final artifact that I created with the lighting, media, and sound designers was an immersive video to show the passing of two full days in the courtyard inhabited by the characters in the show. On this page you can see the many stage iterations that I went through and our eventual shift into a digital world.
Click and Drag around the image below to explore our full 3D environment.
Physical Color Model photos of scenic design as it would have been in the Rauh Theater at Carnegie Mellon.

Design Process Model Boxes - Scroll through to see how the design evolved.